
Human Resource Services

Human Resource Services

Human Resources is one of the most vulnerable departments within a business when it comes to risks and liabilities. It is also the first line of defense when dealing with critical employment issues like compensation, indemnities, and liabilities, among others. Despite efforts from human-resource professionals and associations, numerous companies are still lacking ideas on how to protect Human Capitol from damaging situations in the employment environment.

Our company takes pride in helping companies eliminate the stress factors that the human-resource department and its people regularly confront when dealing with employment and liability issues. We provide comprehensive Human Resource consultation that includes:

  • Annual Employment Practices Review. Our team of HR experts will conduct actual and on-site inspections, analysis, and assessment before endorsing formal recommendations on adjustments and reconfiguration needed, which involves employment compensation and liabilities.
  • Telephone and Email Hotline. Clients can easily contact our pool of human-resource consultants to address specific cases in real time; thus, avoiding further problems because we help resolve issues and concerns right away.

We offer a whole range of human resource consultation.

We don’t leave clients in the dark when they need assistance the most. Specifically, these are the areas where businesses can rely upon us:

  • Corporate Policies. We determine which company policies need to be updated, reworded, and replaced with new, relevant, and more compliant guidelines governing the human-resource department on important matters such as employee compensation, professional liability, and public liabilities, among others.
  • Wage and Hour Regulations. We conduct training on how to manage wage earning employees fairly.
  • Sexual Harassment. We help provide training on what constitutes sexual harassment and how to avoid it. In addition, we conduct extensive learning on how to manage both parties when dealing with sexual harassment cases from investigation to payment of legal claims.
  • Employee Issues. As they say, employment starts when you conduct an interview with a prospective employee and from there, you encounter all sorts of possible risks such as discrimination or unfair treatment. Companies are faced with employment issues starting from the hiring process up to post termination.
  • Hiring and Termination Process. Employment is a critical issue, and companies should be able to handle all activities from hiring of new employees up to termination of employment. A lot of things can happen in between so employers must be prepared and protected especially if employees file legal cases against them. Our team of experts will train HR people on how to avoid costly liabilities from workers.
  • Leave Administration. These include vacation, holiday, disability, pregnancy, etc. If issues related to leave credits are not handled well, it can become costly and messy.
  • Benefit and Pension Plans. How insurance can help companies deal with benefits, and pension plans is one of our expertise.
  • Updated Employment Posters

We offer a whole range of human resource consultation.

  • Seminars such as Annual Labor Law update
  • Standardized HR – forms and letters library
  • E-Newsletters / Update Memos – subscribe to the High Ground Newsletter and receive updates on relevant HR issues and the usual compliance notices and reminders.

We’ve Got You Covered. Connect With Us.

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